Eyre Peninsula – The Boiling Sea

Needle Eye Lookout Venus Bay

Whatever, we write, whatever we show of the Eyre Peninsula, this is winter now, our first in two years. I am sure that the summer sun shines on a completely different landscape, so don’t be dissuaded if the only ones we can show you frolicking on the beaches this time of year ARE the seal lions.

Driving south the next day, we made an impromptu turn right to visit the Talia Caves. The name implied a series, but in fact, there’s only one, Woolshed Cave (the only signposted one anyway). The cave was unrecognizable compared to the hoarding at the turnoff. There’s was someone looking out from inside the cave at clear blue sky and and custard smooth seas. Our’s was a boiling sea, menacing waves and white water. No chance of getting into the cave today, but certainly an opportunity for some great photos. Now, what you see below was NOT my idea, however as you can see, we were both guilty of common purpose.

This is going to be great!
What did he say?
Uh oh…..

Now of course, they’re should of been one more pic. No, I hadn’t started swiping on Tinder. I was more focused on not having my in-house chef (and beloved) floundering in the ocean, mainly because it would require me to go in after her. You can’t yell into a gale and take photos at the same time. Anyway, you’ll have much more fun imagining what that last photo MIGHT have looked at. I’ll give you a clue – wet,wet,wet.

Well, it should have been enough excitement for one day. But not realising that this WAS the cave we had seen back at the highway, we ventured further down the dirt road. We were joined in this quest by a couple of touring bikers, also confused by the conditions. We all scoured the cliff top looking for another set of wooden steps, the driving rain whipping our faces. Nothing. But we did find TheTub, a naturally eroded basin, linked by a small cave to the ocean outside. In these stormy conditions, the larger swells would wash into the basin.

In the end we were defeated by the weather, the mystery only solved the next day, when I could compare photos. We headed back to the highway, hoping our next stop would offer some relief from these inclement conditions.

Faux Tan Man & The Coconut

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