For a while there, we were a little chuffed, having crossed from one side of the country to the other with only a shredded tyre and rim as penalty for our daring do. However two weeks after we set up at Humpty Doo, I noticed something that smelt like coolant coming from somewhere under theContinue reading “Wear, Tear & Other Woes Part 1”
Category Archives: The Choice is Yours
Wear, Tear & Other Woes Part 2
There’s a moment in the silence at the other end of the phone. a moment after terrible news is conveyed, where it feels like the whole universe is suddenly empty, except for two people on a phone line. “How?” then, after my confession “Oh….”, And then, to my surprise, re-assurance. “Yes, I’ve lost a coupleContinue reading “Wear, Tear & Other Woes Part 2”
It’s Darwin Mate!!
Well, we made it!! Three thousand kilometres across the guts of Oz and we arrive at a tropical paradise house-sit for Pete and Jen. This is a regular for them as they go away several times a year to do those typical NT past-times, barra fishing and….barra fishing. By all accounts, a fishing tackle storeContinue reading “It’s Darwin Mate!!”
Website Update
Hi everyone, first up, apologies to our subscribers who have received old blog updates in the last few days. We have been re-building our website and in the process we had to re post everything prior to when we arrived in South Australia. Unfortunately, even though we were giving them historical post dates you wereContinue reading “Website Update”
As Russell Coight Would Say…..
Well, it’s been an eventful three months going nowhere fast. The trials and tribulations confessed in our last post were only some of the ingredients of the cornucopia of emotional up’s and downs. Two weddings and a funeral, grief, joy, mishaps, missteps and medical attention. Yet as housebound as we have been, had it notContinue reading “As Russell Coight Would Say…..”
Cool Water – Litchfield Park
After Kakadu, Litchfield Park is the most recommended natural tourist spot, in no small part because it’s just over an hour from Darwin(more of that a bit later). Distances between destinations can be eye-watering up here, so it was a no-brainer to take a quick detour to do some exploring and hopefully cool off. WeContinue reading “Cool Water – Litchfield Park”
Tilting at Windmills
Now, straight up, I promise I won’t make a habit of this. It’s not like you can’t drink your fill at a thousand different wells of public opinion. This is a travel blog and it’s about places to go and things to see. Well, I had the awesome visual pleasure of driving through and aroundContinue reading “Tilting at Windmills”
A lot of sheep and cattle stations in the outback have access to water via rivers, creeks and springs. A lot of special places probably never get seen by more than a hand full of owners, station hands or invited guests. which makes Mataranka Homestead pretty special. Part of Elsey Station founded in 1879, theContinue reading “Mataranka”
Into the tropical Zone
We’d put in some killer ‘k’s the last couple of days and found ourselves ahead of schedule. Tamika had put in a serious bid to visit Mataranka Hot Springs and we decided to make a couple of stops along the way to chew up some time. The first stop was completely unexpected. The tiny settlementContinue reading “Into the tropical Zone”
Namatjira Country
Our first stop on the road to Alice was the servo at the corner of Lasserters and Stuart Highway. The servo’s undergoing a refit and there are temporary bowsers set up for diesel and unleaded. There was a conga line of campervans and utes waiting for one pump and a B Treble at the other.Continue reading “Namatjira Country”