Bunyeroo and Beyond

Today was the big explore. A loop that would take me halfway back to Wilpena Pound, then a 50klm cross country trek to the Outback Highway and a 20klm run to Parachilna for lunch and (of course) the AFL Grand Final. Then, alcohol intake permitting, an easy run back to the van. The Great WallContinue reading “Bunyeroo and Beyond”

Panachilna Gorge(ous)

Never has a campsite seem to offer so little but give so much. As mentioned last time, it was a case of site unseen and on arrival late morning, there didn’t seem that much to see. A dry river bed snaked its way along the gorge, dirt tracks ran away from the bank and intoContinue reading “Panachilna Gorge(ous)”

R & R (rest & reconaissance)

Before, I staggered back to the van after that swim, I thought I might let the staff know an extra night might be on the cards. The next morning it seemed very prudent. Not that I pulled up lame, but sitting in bed with my toast and tea, I realised that I could spend aContinue reading “R & R (rest & reconaissance)”

Rawnsley Station

I guess everyone has heard of Wilpena Pound. It’s the headline act in the Flinders Ranges Show. The attraction is legendary. A giant meteor collides with the red earth, displacing a billion tons of rock and soil creating a crater 15klms long and 5klms wide. It’s irresistible – but is it true? You know theContinue reading “Rawnsley Station”

To Hell & (almost) Back

Sometimes, stories just have to be told, especially if they’re both tragic and hilarious at the same time. I will resume the eternal road trip reporting next time. This is my white knuckle ride. It was our last morning. I left Tamika at the railway station. She was in tears, I was running on adrenaline.Continue reading “To Hell & (almost) Back”

Douglas Point Reflections

Nothing like an impending return to normality (or is that banality?), to focus the mind. Easing back in my camp chair with a good Scotch and a George Benson/Earl Klugh live concert in the background, I wondered at how far we had strayed along that road less traveled. And more to the point, IS thereContinue reading “Douglas Point Reflections”