Coffin Bay

We woke up the next morning clearly in between storm fronts The ever present wind a reminder that more bad weather was on the way, but at least the sun was out. We headed for Walkers Rocks Campground, five kilometres north of Elliston. We managed to snag a sheltered spot in the lee of theContinue reading “Coffin Bay”

Eyre Peninsula – The Boiling Sea

Whatever, we write, whatever we show of the Eyre Peninsula, this is winter now, our first in two years. I am sure that the summer sun shines on a completely different landscape, so don’t be dissuaded if the only ones we can show you frolicking on the beaches this time of year ARE the sealContinue reading “Eyre Peninsula – The Boiling Sea”

Eyre Peninsula -The Howling Winds

The weather forecast was not good. Winter storm fronts and low troughs have been chasing us across the Nullabor and are finally catching up. The further south we go, the more into the line of fire we wander. It is clear that we’ll be doing a lot more looking at, and a lot less divingContinue reading “Eyre Peninsula -The Howling Winds”