Cooking on the Road:

That doesn’t mean we are missing out.

Tamika Reger

I thought to myself how can I can contribute to our website.  Anyone who knows me personally; can attest to the great love I have for food. On the contrary, John’s love of food is practically non-existent, food is merely a source of energy. He enjoys eating nice food, yet is disinterested in wasting his time turning something bland into wonderfully delicious.

My thoughts are Food is Life, I exist for nice food, I enjoy eating it and it’s central to my existence. Mum, you ruined me with your incredibly tasty dishes and instilled in me Pre Packet mixes are for emergency situations only. Sorry to say current pre packet mixes are better quality so occasionally I use them.

In reality, not everything I do is a success in the kitchen. Conveniently for me, John eats both my triumphs and failures with equal enthusiasm and myself believing everything is delicious… Win-Win for me. For the most part, whilst on the road, we eat pretty healthily. There sure isn’t any Uber Eats out where we are.

If only I’d taken more notice of Mum in the kitchen. Still, it is surprising how much you remember when you want to taste something particular. Home Made gravy comes to mind. In final as seen below, we are definitely not missing out. Stayed tuned for my favourite Recipes on the Road.